
Ashton Davies

Extension Snap&Read must be installed to perform this exploit.

Executing scripts on webpages with the "Snap&Read" extension.


The extension needs to be signed in to an active Snap&Read account before you begin.


    Inject Snap&Run GUI (Simple, Recommended)
    Snap&Read is not enabled in this browser.  
    Setup Outline (Manual)

    Enable the Snap&Read toolbar
  1. Open the Snap&Read popup by activating the extension.
  2. In the extension popup, enable the Snap&Read service by toggling the Snap&Read switch on.
  3. In the Snap&Read toolbar, click the Show outlines button.
  4. In the Snap&Read outlines panel, click the New outline (+) button at the top left.
  5. Enter any text into the outline topic's editable text area.
  6. Click the bullet point of the topic.
  7. Click the Link to source option.
  8. Click the plus (+) button at the bottom right.
  9. Click and switch to the WEBSITE tab.
  10. In the Article/Page title input field, enter the name of your chosen bookmarklet.
  11. In the URL input field, enter the source of the bookmarklet, starting with javascript:.

    Special Characters:

    Format your bookmarklets with URL encoding by substituting escape characters, or add the following bookmarklet to Snap&Read to use as a script executor:

  12. Click SAVE at the top right.
  13. Click and switch to the OUTLINE tab.
  14. In the Snap&Read toolbar, click the Hide outlines button.

Script Execution


    Follow on a page of your choice.
  1. In the Snap&Read toolbar, click the Show outlines button.
  2. In your created outline, click the link separated by parenthasis that contains the bookmarklet.
  3. In the Snap&Read toolbar, click the Hide outlines button.
  4. Disable the Snap&Read toolbar
  5. Open the Snap&Read popup by activating the extension.
  6. In the extension popup, disable the Snap&Read service by toggling the Snap&Read switch off.